Crimes Against Children Foundation

Preserving the sanctity of all children in our communities

Erik Wade

Erik Wade

Reserve Deputy Sheriff
Erik Wade

Erik Wade is an experienced subject matter expert in physical security, communications and video analytics. After departing from the US Army in ’95, Erik has dedicated his life to providing a higher level of safety and security for countless organizations and agencies throughout this country. For over 30 years Erik has absorbed and shared his knowledge with one directive, protect those that need protecting.
During his tenure as Regional Director at Briefcam, Erik was vital in extracting details for multiple law enforcement agencies and countless investigations using video analytics. Erik has been a guest speaker at several events including Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) and California College & University Police Chief’s Association (CCUPCA). Now as part of Motorola, Erik continues to help cities, counties, schools, military and law enforcement agencies everywhere.

Always protecting others, Erik continues to develop new ways to improve safety and security for those in need including developing new products designed to save lives! Beyond his professional training, Erik has also become a Padi certified Scuba Instructor, Search and Rescue Diver, and advanced fighter in Krav Maga.

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