Crimes Against Children Foundation

Preserving the sanctity of all children in our communities

Khonry Gracie

Khonry Gracie

Khonry Gracie

Mixed Martial Artist, Royce Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt, Reserve Police Officer

Taught at the knee of UFC Jiu-Jitsu legends, Khonry Gracie is a mixed martial arts fighter by legacy and hard work. He brings knowledge, determination, and lifesaving training to the law enforcement and first responder teams that we work with nationwide. With his father, Royce, he will also be part of our department defensive tactics team and help with youth programs.

Khonry is best known for his work around the globe with his family, training adults and children alike at Royce Gracie Academies. He has been a Bellator fighter for 4+ years and is looking forward to competing in the octagon in the future. Being of Brazilian descent, Khonry loves to work with agencies to better bridge the gap between diverse cultures, surroundings, and languages using de-escalation and communication techniques learned through his martial arts training.

Khonry was driven to join CACF not only to provide personal protection for others, but to give children who need help the confidence and ability to ask for it and be their own advocate.

His goals for his work inside the foundation are to fully empower others to reach their physical and mental protentional, and to bring awareness and alternate outcomes to societal issues that can be peacefully changed.

See More About Officer Khonry Gracie Here:

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